Artificial Intelligence Group of KSU KSU.AI
Our team:
O. V. Spivakovskyi
Author of the idea and methodology
M. O. Vinnyk
Responsible for financial planning
O. I. Lemeschuk
Project manager
M. Yu. Poltoratsky
Knowledge System Developer/Training artificial intelligence models
O. V. Konnova
Full stack developer
I. V. Karpov
Specialist in training artificial intelligence models
M. M. Fomichev
QA engineer
T. O. Cherkashina
Expert in the field of educational management (domain expert)
Our goal:
Our goal is to research the impact of artificial intelligence on the field of education, business and economy, aimed at understanding and analyzing how artificial intelligence affects these fields. It also aims to develop strategies and recommendations for the effective implementation of AI to improve productivity, competitiveness and sustainable development.
Our philosophy:
We see the revolutionary impact of artificial intelligence on various areas of life. We believe in the need to constantly search for new innovative approaches in the field of artificial intelligence to achieve new results and improve existing methods.
Our goal is to study and develop the potential of artificial intelligence in order to create intelligent systems that contribute to the improvement of the quality of life and the development of society. We develop strategic approaches to the implementation of artificial intelligence based on a deep understanding of modern trends, technologies and market needs in order to create sustainable and effective solutions.
Our philosophy is based on the responsible use of artificial intelligence in compliance with ethical standards and ensuring social justice and security.
We are focused on a global perspective, considering the impact of artificial intelligence on different countries and cultures, and aimed at ensuring the sustainable development of society.
We strive for openness and transparency in our activities, promoting free access to information and cooperation with all stakeholders.
Research directions:
Analysis of the impact of artificial intelligence on education: Research of innovative methods and technologies using artificial intelligence in the field of education. Studying the effectiveness of such methods at different stages of the educational process and in different contexts.
Implementation of AI in education: creation and implementation of models for the use of artificial intelligence in secondary, higher and professional education.
Studying the impact of artificial intelligence on business: analyzing the impact of artificial intelligence on business processes, studying the possibilities of using artificial intelligence to optimize management, automate production and ensure the competitiveness of companies.
Use of artificial intelligence in economic research: Development and application of artificial intelligence tools for analyzing economic data, forecasting market trends, assessing the impact of economic factors and formulating development strategies.
Development of intelligent chatbots.
International projects in AI fields:
AI in business (on review)
Internal currently AI project of KSU:
KSU.AI CHATBOT “Personalization Of Learning In An Educational Online Environment”. Pitch deck.
Detection of fires in forest areas using elements of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Pitch deck, video-1, video-2.
Using AI in unmanned aerial vehicles. Pitch deck.
Implementation policy and strategy